A person who does not feel that they belong to the gender they were assigned at birth is called trans* or transgender (ICD10 F64.0 Transsexuality or ICD11 HA60 Gender incongruence). Statistically speaking, there are at least three or four people out of the population of a small village, i.e. 1,000 people, who claim to have a variant of gender development (trans* or inter*).
If such a person makes the decision to come out and begins the long and very arduous journey of physical reassignment to the gender to which they feel they belong, they will naturally first seek information, advice and help.
It is 100% certain that there is at least one trans* or inter* person at your school, in your company or in your social organisation who is fighting their way through transphobic attacks and bullying.
Employees in social institutions, educators and teachers, as well as employers, colleagues and other caregivers are also and above all required to inform themselves in order to be able to react appropriately and correctly to such a person and offer them an environment in which they feel comfortable and can open up.
It is at least as important to inform and train classmates, friends and colleagues, to work against homophobic or transphobic reactions, to prevent bullying and to carry out basic prevention work.
Christin Löhner is the chairwoman of VDGE e.V.. She is a self-help group leader, peer counsellor, German author, activist and feminist, politician, blogger and lecturer.
In September 2016, she founded the self-help initiative VDGE e.V. (formerly Trans* SHG Hegau) in Radolfzell, which has since grown into a considerable, nationwide organisation for self-help and peer counselling. She currently accompanies around 60 trans* people throughout Germany on their journey and provides them with advice and tips on all issues relating to sexual and gender diversity, transgender, gender reassignment surgery, hormone replacement therapy, applications and much more.
Christin volunteers to give talks, seminars and training courses on sexual and gender diversity, acceptance, tolerance, bullying and homophobia and transphobia at clinics, universities, schools and social institutions, providing prevention work and education.
For several years now, Christin has been a regular lecturer at the Helios Clinic in Rottweil and the Schwarzwald-Baar Clinic in Villingen on the topic of "LGBT in nursing" for nursing trainees. She holds two double lessons twice a year on the topics of LGBT* in nursing, diversity and sexual and gender diversity.
Christin would like to offer to come to your clinic, university, school, social institution or company and give a talk there on a voluntary basis (a donation to her organisation is of course always welcome). She can actively help you to integrate trans*, inter* and non-binary people into your organisation without them having to worry about being bullied or not being taken seriously.
Balanced education, counselling and support can even save lives. Young trans* people in particular are usually at high risk of suicide if they don't know what to do and don't get any help or support.
In her talks, Christin talks about her own experiences as a trans* woman. However, she also incorporates a great deal of other information, statistics and sources so that a coherent and well-rounded picture emerges. In general, her presentations cover the following topics:
- Prevention of bullying and discrimination
- Education about homophobia and transphobia
- Education about transgender, transsexuality, intersexuality and gender diversity
- Education about sexual diversity and sexual orientations
- Education about the suffering and ordeal of a trans* person
- Information about transition, the harmonisation of the body with the correct gender
- Statistical information on the topic of trans*
- Information about counselling centres, self-help groups and events on these topics
Christin gives these talks on a voluntary basis. Nevertheless, she is of course always happy to receive a small contribution towards expenses to at least keep the travelling costs low, as well as a donation for her association, the VDGE e.V.
You are welcome to contact Christin personally at the e-mail address beratung@vdge.org and then we can discuss further details.