As a teacher, Christin also passes on her knowledge and her important message to students, trainees, teachers and counselors at schools, universities and clinics. She talks about social exclusion, bullying, discrimination, human rights and about her own life and transition with gender reassignment surgery, as well as the hurdles that lie in the way.
Christian and her long road to transition
Christin only began her transition at the age of 43, in October 2015. She began her psychotherapeutic support therapy in January and then started her hormone replacement therapy in June 2016. She had her first gender reassignment surgery in January 2018 and her second one in August. In January 2020, she then had a minor surgical correction, and since 2020 she has been completely finished with her journey and has had all gender reassignment surgeries.
She had no help whatsoever on her transition journey, especially at the beginning, and had to find everything herself and work out how best and most sensibly to manage the journey. She knows very well the social exclusion, the verbal and physical violence, the bullying and the hurdles and obstacles that are put in the way of a transgender person.
It is precisely for these reasons that she tries to help others and make their lives and transition easier.