A mass of positive reactions on my newsletter!
Hey there!
Yesterday, I’ve decided to do my outing also through the newsletter of my greatest project „The Linux Counter Project“ (https://www.linuxcounter.net).
So I’ve written the following few words regarding my big change in my life:
„Most of you may already have noticed this, since I’ve already posted this in most of the social networks. But also many of you seem to be not up to date.
For those of you that are still not up to date, please read this small posting about what I want to say:
Thanks for all your support for The Linux Counter Project and I really, really hope, that this change will not cause you to leave the project.“
This newsletter has about 320,000 receivers and it still is not finished with sending and will propably continue until thursday.
But until now I already received a real mass of answers from the readers of this newsletter and also three really nice comments on the blog (tgirl.r3y.de).
All, really all responses are very, very positive and they all are wishing me the best wishes and the best luck for my transition.
Here are only a very few quotes of these responses:
„Just wanted to say good luck with your transition, and it’s awesome that you’ve come out in the newsletter. I’m also transitioning at the moment, slowly!“
„Congratulations, girl!“
„[…] And second, regarding your explanation: honestly, you shouldn’t have to post such an explanation. People are who they are, they can become who they want to be in life, and all in all, you are a great person. Best of luck with the transformation, I hope everyone in your surroundings accepts this with the grace you deserve as a human!“
„Best wishes for your future Christin. You are a courageous person. Support and kudos from here, and thanks for sharing.“
„Congratulations Christin, I applaud your strength, and I’m not going anywhere!“
„Thanks for all of your work and all the best with the momentous changes ahead! It will be worth it!“
„I’m sorry I don’t speak much German („drei Bier bitte!“) so apologies for only being able to respond in English. Just read your post on the changes you’re making in your life and wanted to wish you the best with finding happiness. A friend of mine was one of the best C++ programmers I’d ever worked with, and way back in 1996 Jxxxxxx became Jxxxxxxxxxxx. Her code was just as good as John’s and she was much happier being able to really be herself. The journey was hard and people weren’t as understanding and accepting back then. Your emergence will be equally hard and I wanted to take a moment to offer my support.“
These are only a very few responses and there are many, many more that are all as great and cool and friendly as the ones above.
*I want to thank you ALL for these really warm and nice words and for your great support!*
I love you all! Thanks, Thanks, Thanks!!!!
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